№ 4 (34), 2014

History and Culture of Slavic World
KOKUNINA L. K. Serbian National theatre in the second half of the nineteenth century: between Novi Sad and Belgrade.
LEONTYEVA A. A. Interconfessional and property relations in Bulgarian lands in the XVII – beginning of the XIX centuries on the basis of hüccets analysis
SITNIKOVA S. A. Calendar rites of Ostashkovsky district of Tver province: early spring period
SERGEEVA M. I. Tver gingerbread tradition: problem of the research and renovation
Philosophy and Culturology
JELUSIC S. Christianity and Laugh: The Controversy of the Approach to N. V. Gogol interpretation
BAZOV S. I. On a phenomenon of conservative-liberal synthesis in the philosophy of politics by B. N. Chicherin
PETRASH E. V. Socio-cultural aspects of the myth-making in consumer culture in modern Russia
GURKALO V. A. On problems of the Church dialogue between the Orthodox missionaries and youth subcultures
Literary Criticism and Philology
VILÍMEK V. Some problems of translation tuition praxeology within the framework of newly established translation disciplines in the Czech republic
ZHUCHKOVA A.V. Frog as a symbol of personal development in the Russian and German folklore
KRASHENINNIKOVA O. A. Anonymus treatise «A Hammer on the “Stone of Faith”» and it’s supposed author
TOPOLOWA O. S. «Russian traveler of the last century abroad (Autograph letters of Shishkov of 1776-1777)»: features of epistolary «travel»
FEDOROVA M. S. On the problem of typology of female characters in Russian literature of the first half of the XVIII c.
SHCHELOKOVA L. I. The idea of the Victory in L.M. Leonov's journalism of 1945
Old Russian Heritage
SULITSA E. I. Female type of «temptress» and «spiteful wife» in Russian narrative of the late-sixteenth-century – early-eighteenth-century
KUZMINA M. K. Functions of uncrossed quotations in the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
Theory and History of Art
MIKHAILOVA S. I. The image of the «Savior in a crown of thorns» in Russian religious painting of the second half of the nineteenth century. Sketch by N. A. Koshelev from the collection of the Museum of Moscow
BORTSOVA E. A. Old Russian motives in book works of N. S. Samokish (based on edition of N. I. Kutepov «Royal hunting in Russia»)
SALNIKOVA E. V. The images of violence in Western cinema of 1910–1920-ies: mental substratum of «permanent war»
MELNIKOV G. P. Russian literature through the prism of history of culture: research by L. I. Sazonova
KALIGANOV I. I. The epic of «The Secret Book» of Bogomils (devoted to the Russian translation of the novel «A strange knight of the Holy Book» by A. Donchev)