Title of the article:



Olga G. Tverdokhleb

Information about the author/authors

Olga G. Tverdokhleb — PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Sovetskaya St., 19, 460844 Orenburg, Russia.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8309-0245
E-mail: ogtwrd@gmail.com


Philological sciences




Vol. 65


pp. 234–246


August 06, 2019

Approved after reviewing

January 12, 2021

Date of publication

September 28, 2022



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper aims to describe the ways of interpreting anthroponyms in aphorisms constructed as a definition and similar in structure to a dictionary article. The study reveals that in aphorisms-definitions, frequency anthroponyms (individual proper names), which are not included in the dictionaries of explanatory dictionaries, are used as heading units. A large illustrative material shows that within the explanatory part of the aphoristic definitions for the characteristic of anthroponyms, non-traditional ways of interpretation for lexicography are actively used. The author suggests a classification of methods of naive interpretations of anthroponyms depending on the semantics of the main word in the explanatory part: a) false-hieronymic; b) evaluative; c) hyponymic; d) repetitive-distinctive; e) formal-signal. The compositional and syntactic organization of the explanatory part is complicated by detailed definitions, which are expressed by different grammatical means; they are located in pre-and post-position in relation to the main word of the explanatory part; they add additional meaning, emotional tension and reflect the author's position. The results obtained may be of interest to specialists dealing with the issues of aphorism, onomastics and lexicography.


aphorism, definition, dictionary entry, interpretation, anthroponym.


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