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Title of the article: Christianity and Laugh: The Controversy of the Approach to N. V. Gogol interpretation
Author(s): JELUSIC S.
Section: Philosophy and Culturology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 53-69
Index UDK: 1(091)+801.733
Index BBK: 87.3(2)+83.3(2Рос=Рус)1-8 Гоголь Н. В.
Abstract: The main hermeneutics question of the controversy of Gogol concept of Laugh, includes the introduction analysis of the understanding the meaning of concept of the laugh (resp. Comics), in particular, Russian Christian theologian tradition, but in a very specific context of N. V. Gogol controversy. What is the substance of theological misunderstanding of Gogol comediografic text? The general semantics of Russian literature involves the search for God (ru. Богоискание) dimension, as a differential semantic characteristic. Therefore, it is consequent of conditional identification of philosophy, theology and literary text. The author has started the approach to the Gogol Laugh problem with the distinction between two basic concepts: 1. Аnthropocentric (Aristotle to Freud) and 2. Тheocentric (christian /monastic) hermeneutics. The very complex relationship which distinguishes the existential relation: laugh and tears in Gogol conception, shows the deepest theoretical justifiable. These conceptions corresponded to the theological idea of metaphysical understanding of the human being, and anticipated the meaning of the future text of the European modern or avant-garde drama (partic. A. P. Chehov, E. Ionesco).
Keywords: laughing, crying, comic, text, Christianity, intentionality, poetics, the author's reflection, N. V. Gogol
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