№ 3 (XXIX)

Issues of Culturology and Philosophy
Lantseva A. M. Philosophical meaning of the patriotism concept in Russiaand the Czech Republic
Volkova T. V. Private sphere of home as cultural phenomenon
Issues of Culturology and History
Rudakov V. N. On the issue of the term’s «besermene» meaning in the Russian sourcesof the period from the second half of the 13th century to the 16th century
Ivanova G. M. Social aspects of development of Soviet educational systemin 1950s – 1960s
Sal’nikova E. A. Slavic art in the pages of «Apollo» (1909–1917)
Pisklova I. S. «Marriage market» as an element of Slobozhanshchina culturein XVIII century
Issues of Philology
Bludilina N. D. Kosmos of Russian spirit in metaphysical poetry of E. V. Balashov
Zykhovskaya N. L. Olfactory poetics in Russian poetry of 1800–1810s
Topolova O. S. Typology of feature articles in travel diaries in the second halfof XVIII century
Old Russian Heritage
Demin A. S. The image of «zverskost’» of villains in ancient literature
Denisova I. V. Bloody battle in Isady (1217): Ryazan text in Russian chronicles
Issues of Theory of Art
Moisiuk O. S. Anthropomorphic motives in folk arts materials of Zhitomir region
Khasova N. V. St. Petersburg as an architectural ensemble in the articlesof 1899–1902 by Alexander Benois
General issues of Physchology
Phrolova S. V.,
Sucharev A. V.,
Petruchin V. A.
Archegeny and ethnofunctionality as basic principles in the investigation of the conditions of originating of emigration intentions of students
Gromov M. N. On a new book by I. K. Kuchmaeva
Rastorguev V. N. State Academy Of Slavic Culture: social ministryand cultural integration
Strakhovskaya I. G. Under eternity sign»: review of the book «Collection»by M. N. Gromov
Current Events in GASK
Melnikov G. P. Chronicle of current events, devoted to Slavic Writingand Culture Anniversary