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Title of the article: On the problem of typology of female characters in Russian literature of the first half of the XVIII c.
Author(s): FEDOROVA M. S.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 142-150
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 83.3(4Рос)
Abstract: The eighteenth century brought new Western-oriented subject and art forms along with the new art types into Russian literature. While an old Russian literary tradition reveals two main typological patterns of a heroine’s character, a «bad» and a «good» wife, nineteenth-century Russian literature, being closely connected to reality, creates more complex types of characters. Every kind of literature has a certain typology of female characters, but it should be noted that the oratorical prose represented by homiletics of St. Dimitri Rostovsky, Feofan Prokopovich, Stefan Yavorsky and lyric poetry of the eighteenth century famous poets, V. K. Trediakovsky, M. V. Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokova, all reveal the major types as follows: an author’s ideal and its antagonist; biblical, hagiographical, historical and ancient characters; an image of a stately governess opposite to an ordinary woman. This typology allows us to trace the evolution of female characters in Russian literature and to identify regularities of their strong bond with the old Russian tradition, as well as to understand the reasons for appearance of new art types that are satisfying the demands of time.
Keywords: Russian literature, XVIII century, typology, female characters
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