Title of the article:



Artem A. Andreev

Information about the author/authors

Artem A. Andreev — Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, Kamenskaya St., 56, 630099 Novosibirsk, Russia. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3795-6941. E-mail: artsun8@yandex.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 62


pp. 143–151


January 15, 2019

Date of publication

December 28, 2021



Index UDK


Index BBK



The simultaneous existence of traditional and nontraditional trends in culture inevitably leads them to creative interaction. A case in point are such popular trends in the culture of the 20th and 21st centuries as surrealism, futurism, neo-surrealism, neo-futurism and parascientific creativity. A comparative analysis of these directions has shown that artistic activity in art is often manifested in a creative relationship of traditional and nontraditional cultural trends. It turns out that parascientific creativity, as a nontraditional direction of culture, in its content and plot properties is close to the works of the French surrealists A. Breton, P. Eluard, T. Corbière and Russian futurists V. Mayakovsky and I. Ignatiev, as well as contemporary neo-surrealists and neo-futurists. The author comes to the conclusion that contemporary art, based on parascientific creativity, realizes its spiritual content in culture and brings to life its new creative ideas. Thus, contemporary art is in the process of development and the search for new creative foundations in culture. The postmodern culture also contributes to this trend. It aims at constant change, novelty and originality, thereby influencing contemporary art and bringing it closer to nontraditional cultural trends.


surrealism, futurism, neo-surrealism, neo-futurism, parascience, parascientific creation, artistic creation.


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