№ 3 (33), 2014

History anf Culture of Slavic World
MYKYTENKO O. O. Vuk Karadzich innovation: the folklore-ethonographical activity in the sphere of funeral ritual
KUTZ V. A. The features of the armament of Russian warriors as reflection of principles of Russian fisticuffs
BORISENOK E. YU. The Russians in the period of localization in 1920–1930s.
PORTNYAGIN I. D. Plans of the USSR concerning Germany in representation of the British Foreign Office
PIVOVARENKO A. A. Secession of Croatia from Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Republican aspect
LANCZEVA A. M. Saint Wenceslas’s cult: Czech identity and Christian universality
Philosophy and Culturology
DARENSKAYA V. N. Orthodox ethos of labour in Russian peasantry culture
KAMINSKAYA E. А. Mechanisms of revealing cultural meanings of traditional folklore
Folk art and culture integrity. Axiological aspect
ZAYATS S. M. Mythopoetical and philosophical way of M. Voloshin into a mysterious world of art
KISELEVA E. V. Functional significance of Russian family in modern culture conditions
Literary Criticism and Philology
VOROPAEV V. A. On the path to the Holy Sepulcher. On the history of Gogols’ pilgrimage to the Holy Land
MELNIK V. I. Precious secrets and sacred mysteries of human soul (I. A. Goncharov in ethics disputes of his time)
HORBACZEWSKI CZ. A. Patriotism on Kolyma: to technology of the concept transformation
KITANOVA M. The concept of «gender» in Bulgarian language and culture
MALYGINA M. A. Features of the perception of the Greek text by Slavic translators: errors in translations
Old Russian Heritage
ANDREEVA E. A. Roman Olgovich of Ryazan — the defender of the Orthodox faith (in ancient Russian sources)
SENKINA N. L. The originality of idea and composition of Old Russian «Povest’ o kuptse» («The Tale of the Merchant»)
Theory and History of Art
POZHIDAEVA G. A. On the role of Southern Slavs in the history of Old Russian Chant art (Stoudios Typikon period)
GOLUBEV P. S. Russian artists in exile portrayed in critical commenys of Constantin Somov (based on diaries of the artist of 1925–1934)
YANINA-LEDOVSKA E. V. Ballet «The rite of spring». Version of Radu Poclitaru