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Title of the article: Socio-cultural aspects of the myth-making in consumer culture in modern Russia
Author(s): PETRASH E. V.
Section: Philosophy and Culturology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 77-87
Index UDK: 304
Index BBK: 71.0
Abstract: Investigation of the myth as historically first form of culture and a dimension of human soul plays an important role in cultural studies. The modern studies of myth are inspired by the inborn human need to conceive the basic senses of self-being. Due to the universal character of modern mass culture and its free propagation among all social layers, nations and confessions, due to large possibilities of self-presentation and dissemination based on the modern information technologies, myth-making is becoming increasingly popular and is in great demand, above all, as an instrument of culture of consumption. Hence, there is a great scholarly interest in the process of inventing myth-making technologies in the modern society of consumers as well as transformation of traditions, archetypes and cultural heroes in the course of those myth-making activities.
Keywords: popular culture, consumer culture, myth functions of myth, myth, tradition, archetype, cultural hero, myth, cultural studies
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