№ 1 (XI)

Problems of culturology and philosophy
Gromov M. N. Hesychasme in East Slavonic culture
Sobolev A. V. Eurasianism as the lost link or an alternation of generations that had not taken place
Problems of culturology and history
Aksenova E. P. "Priest" of Clio (to the scientific biography of A. V. Phlorovsky)
Bazhov S. I. Today’s meaning of Westernists and Slavophils dispute
Literary discourse in the context of culture
Bludilina N. D. Antiochus Kantemir and English culture
Orekhov V. V. Russian “Scythians”: evolution of the image
Problems of philology
Voropajev V. A. The poet and the czar. About the addressee of the A. S. Pushkin’s poem «Long was your conversation with Homer…»
Melnik V. I.,
Melnik T. V.
The peculiarity of Goncharov`s influence on the global literary process
Old Russian Literary heritage
Tufanova O. A. «The bloodthirsty lion» Grishka Otrepyev
Problems of Art Theory
Sveshnikov A.V. Light in the fine arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Scientific life
Days of Slavonic Written Language and Cultur