Volume 39, 2016

Theory and history of culture
KOVALEVSKAYA T. V. Mythological transhumanism in Russian culture
MUZIKANT V. L. The outlines of «somebody else’s speech» as an intext in the discourse of Slavic culture
AVERYANOV K. A. The speed which was used in old Russia during prince Vladimir rule
KAMINSKAYA E. A. The actualization of traditional folklore in the modern socio-cultural condition on the basis of its intrinsic characteristics
SKLIZKOVA E. V. Heraldic aspect of cultural self-identification of a nation: Britain – Russia
KISELEVA E. V. The family as a socio-cultural value
TROFIMOVA N. V. Peculiarity of poetics and lamentations in «The Kazan history»
MELNIK V. I. The question of genres and poetics in «The month of May in Petersburg» by I. A. Goncharov
Religious beliefs of ancient Slavs in the play «Glorious city of Smolevets» by E. N. Kletnova
AGRATIN A. E. The imperative strategy of the narrator in the prose of A. P. Chekhov (based on the stories «The lights» and «The head-gardener's story»)
KARPACHEV V. S. The features of communicative organization of the early role verses by N. S. Gumilyov (based on the poetry collection «Romantic flowers») .
PANOVA E. A. Realization of Serbian pitch accents by Russian speakers (an auditory analysis).
SIDOROVA O. YU. The main and syncretic meanings of the word-forms with the preposition «без» [bez] (without)
Art theory and history
STEPANOVA S. S. Art program of painting of Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev
EVDOKIMOVA А. А. Melodic similarity in Stihir of Serbian and Kievan chants
BYCHKOV V. V. The metaphysical dimension of the art of surrealism
SALNIKOVA E. V. The role of transit area space in the theatre and screen reality
KOLOTILINA S. A. Julia Margaret Cameron: union of spirituality and beauty
Our anniversaries
UZENEVA E. S. On the Jubilee Celebration of Igor Ivanovich Kaliganov