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Title of the article: Serbian National theatre in the second half of the nineteenth century: between Novi Sad and Belgrade.
Author(s): KOKUNINA L. K.
Section: History and Culture of Slavic World
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 11-21
Index UDK: 94(497.1)
Index BBK: 63.3(0)5(4Сер)
Abstract: National theatre is a significant part of culture of any nation and is considered to be a sign of its maturity. One of the key periods in the history of world theatre was the so called national revival in the late eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth century — the time of formation of nations and national consciousness, especially among peoples with incomplete social structure in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Dramatic art played a special role in the formation of Serbian national identity, inasmuch as it was intended to heat patriotic feelings and forge solidarity among Serbs living on the territory of the Habsburg Monarchy (Austria-Hungary) and the Principality of Serbia. The making of Serbian theater was associated with the development and cooperation between the two theatric schools, in Novi Sad and Belgrade, each of which turned into remarkable phenomena in the 1870s. Their fruitful activity resulted in the development of Serbian dramatic art and literature, political thought and consciousness in the region.
Keywords: theatre, Vojvodina, Serbia, national culture
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