№ 1 (XIX)

Problems of culturology and philosophy
Kutirev V. A. On the union of religion and philosophy against the freedom of technoscience
Chilingir E. Yu. Hypertext in literature, journalism and PR: social and cultural aspect
Kokin I. A. Categorical Concepts of The Logos and The World Soul in the Biblical-Patristic Tradition
Bliskavitskiy A. A. Aesthetic and philosophical foundations of Russian symbolism
Zaborskikh Yu. V. Development of philosophical historiography: the first theoretical and methodological problems
Problems of culturology and history
Robinov O. Yu. Culture of parish life of the Lord’s Ascension church. Historical overview
Problems of philology
Fedorova M. S. The forgotten poet P. A. Kvashnin-Samarin
Old Russian Literary heritage
Gladkova O. V. The life of Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher and the life of Eustathius Placidas: the new data about of the texts
Tufanova O. A. Semantics and peculiarities of «wolves» - «sheep» metaphor use in so-called «The Other Legend»
Problems of Art Theory and History
Efremova Yu. V. The Altar Bar of the Ascension cathedral of Orshin convent
Sitnikova S. A. Mythological images in embroidery on traditional Tver's towels
General Psychological Problems
Mikhaylov M. A. Pathological craving for psychoactive substances and formation of meaning
Chulisova A. P. The Role of Ethnointegrative and Ethnodifferential Nature Images used in psychological and pedagogical work with people convicted for violent crimes
Scientific Life
Rastorguev V. N. VIII Panarin’s Jubilee Reading
Strakhovskaya I. G. Problems of Small Towns
The chronicle of cultural life
Mishacheva I. V. «Our Slavic World»: picture of exhibition