Title of the article: |
Author(s): |
Dzmitry L. Shavialiou |
Information about the author/authors |
Dzmitry L. Shavialiou — PhD in History, Associate Professor, Belarusian State University, Research Assistant, F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Leningradskaya St., 20, 220030 Minsk, Belarus. E-mail: sheveliov@mail.ru Liliya N. Mantsevich — Lecturer, Belarusian State University, Research Assistant, F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Leningradskaya St., 20, 220030 Minsk, Belarus. E-mail: liliyalain@rambler.ru |
Section |
Theory and history of culture |
Year |
2019 |
Volume |
Vol. 54 |
Pages |
pp. 73–88 |
Received |
February 16, 2019 |
Date of publication |
December 28, 2019 |
Index UDK |
008 |
Index BBK |
71.1 + 60.5(2) + 66.0(2) |
Abstract |
Basing on published sources the paper suggests the hypothesis on public perception of the concepts of “the Orient”, “the Holy Land”, and “Palestine” in Belarusian provinces of the Russian Empire in the 19th – early 20th centuries. The authors consider existing approaches explaining such a perception in Russia. They pay special attention to ideological and socio-political debates on the topic in the Belarusian provinces of the Russian Empire. The authors state that the Belarusian provinces shared the same perception of the Orient, as well as the Holy Land, as the whole Empire had. According to them the perceptions` set was transferred via religious periodical of Belarusian territories (“Diocesan records”). The authors emphasize that the national discourse of the Orient in the Belarusian provinces had emerged only in the beginning of the 20th century. The national newspaper “Nasha Niva” that disseminated it performed the educational function, expressing sympathy towards revolutionary movements in the East. The authors elaborate on two specific types of service — pilgrimage and fund raising for the Orthodoxy of the Holy Land. As they argue the pilgrimage to Palestine was not a usual type for the clergy from the Belarusian provinces. |
Keywords |
the Orient, the Holy Land, Palestine, Belarus, pilgrims, pilgrimage. |
References |
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