Title of the article:



Ksenia K. Maslova

Information about the author/authors

Ksenia K. Maslova — Researcher, Department of Scientific Edition, А. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1059-3746

E-mail: ksema_maslova@mail.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 70


pp. 276–289


December 01, 2023

Approved after reviewing

February 15, 2023

Date of publication

December 25, 2023



Index UDK


Index BBK



The literary connections between these major writers have always been a subject of interest and study by researchers. In the works of foreign (I. Gaek, F. Burianek, I. Adamovich, etc.) and domestic (V. Shcherbina, O. M. Malevich, I. A. Bernstein, E. N. Kovtun, etc.) literary critics, the biography, the system of philosophical views, the creative path and the works of Karel Chapek and Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy have been thoroughly considered. However, the present paper is primarily focusing on research which deal with the comparative analysis of the work of these contemporary writers. There are few such works, and all of them are mostly discussing the influence of the socio-political views and positions of these two authors on their works. Out study will highlight and consider the main papers dedicated to the literary relations of K. Chapek and A. N. Tolstoy, summarizing and analyzing the views of researchers.


Russian-Czech Literary Connections, Perception of Russian Literature, Russian-Slavic Literary Connections.


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14 Maslova, K. K. “K voprosu ‘tematicheskogo genezisa’ v nauchno-fantasticheskikh dramakh K. Chapeka i A. N. Tolstogo” [“On the Issue of ‘Thematic Genesis’ in the Science Fiction Dramas of K. Chapek and A. N. Tolstoy]. Vestnik slavianskikh kul'tur, vol. 44, 2017, pp. 117–125. (In Russ.)

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