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Title of the article: Anonymus treatise «A Hammer on the “Stone of Faith”» and it’s supposed author
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 116-131
Index UDK: 82.091
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1
Abstract: «A Hammer on the “Stone of Faith”» is an anonymous Russian Lutheran pamphlet written in about 1731 against the book «The Stone of Faith» by Metropolitan Stefan Javorsky (1728). The origin of this writing is still a mystery as well as the name of its author, an unknown «Russian Lutheran». The research of recent years didn’t make any attempt to reveal all the existing manuscript copies of this writing, to figure out its author, the time it was written and the consequences of its creation. To answer these numerous questions the archive researches were to be made in order to determine the most authentic copy of the writing. The second aim of the conducted research was to characterize the whole complex of social and political views of the author and polemical context the writing was created in. The Author of «A Hammer on the “Stone of Faith» stood as an absolute proponent of the Church reform of Peter the Great. From these positions he criticises conservatively oriented priesthood — Stefan Yavorsky Metropolitan and his confederates. Ideological and stylistic similarity of the writing to Theophan Prokopovich’s «Church Order» makes it possible to suppose that the author of both writings was Theophan, the Archbishop of Novgorod. The pamphlet was created with the aim to obtain the government prohibition of the «Stone of Faith». However, «A Hammer on the “Stone of Faith”» contains the traces of influence of a foreign-language writing. Theophan’s relations trace back to Germany, to a wellknown Lutheran theologian D. E. Jablonsky, the author of the unpublished writing «A Hammer of God’s Word Breaking the Rock» (near 1731). It appears that several pieces of this writing were used by Theophan in his pamphlet «A Hammer on the “Stone of Faith”».
Keywords: Theophan Prokopovich, Stefan Javorsky, «Stone of Faith», «A Hummer on the “Stone of Faith”», D. E. Jablonsky, Lutheran polemics, unification of churches
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