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Title of the article: The idea of the Victory in L.M. Leonov's journalism of 1945
Author(s): SHCHELOKOVA L. I.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 151-159
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)6 Леонов Л. М.
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of the idea of victory in L. M. Leonov’s journalism of 1945, to consider philosophical and metaphorical imagery of this concept, which is interpreted by the writer as a new stage of human existence with the indispensable change of outlook. The motive’s complex semantic structure of Victory was analyzed, it was found, as the author understands it, that the victory restores the genetic memory of the people, their spiritual ancestry, gathers the nation, which has written the book of the history of the country, which included the Great Patriotic War. The final Victory is marked by the return of soldiers to their family homes. This motif is associated with the sacred symbols of bread, motifs of plowed land, the world tree, symbolizing rebirth after winter / war. Waiting for the new crop, framed by a solemn song / hymn embodies collegiality of winners. The principle of ontological and spatial contrast is the basis of the article «Russian Berlin» — the winners come to the country of the defeated enemy and it leads to the reflections on the national consciousness. It is personified by the foremother of the Russian people — the mother of Russian heroes. Not only the Motherland is seen in this patriotic interpretation, which is the life, language and consciousness, but also the image of the Holy Virgin Mary, blessing the Warriors.
Keywords: L. M. Leonov, journalism, the literature of the Great Patriotic war, Russian literature of the 20-th century, the sacral
Bibliography: 1 Leonov L. M. Sobranie sochinenij: v 10 t. [Collected works in 10 volumes]. Moscow: Hudozh. lit., 1984. Vol. 10: Publicistika; Fragmenty iz romana [Publicism fragments from the novel], primech. O. Mihajlova 736 p. 2 Lotman Ju. M. Semiosfera [Semiosphere]. St. Peterburg, «Iskusstvo – SPB», 2010. 703 p. 3 Polden' pobedy. Leonid Leonov [Victory Midday. Leonid Leonov]. Available at: http:// www.leonid-leonov.ru/polden-pobedy.htm (Accessed 23 August 2014).
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