Title of the article:



Rustam K. Rasulov

Information about the author/authors

Rustam K. Rasulov — DSc in Philology, Professor, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azadliq Ave., 34, AZ1010 Baku, Azerbaijan. ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5840-7258. E-mail: bitkovskayay@inbox.ru 


Philological sciences




Vol. 62


pp. 166–173


July 29, 2020

Date of publication

December 28, 2021



Index UDK


Index BBK



The paper explores suggestiveness in a communicative system of “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” including the analysis of the literary term “suggestion”, which characterizes poetic images and plots, literary techniques and motives. The suggestive image in literature makes the reader’s imagination work, poetically influencing him. The suggestiveness comes as a type of speech act in a communicative model of literary text. In the communication system of “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign”, the phenomenon of suggestiveness allows us to understand the relationship between the characters. In the monument under study performative-rhetorical speech genres of Christian discourse provide suggestiveness of the communicative phenomenon. Suggestiveness is not limited to the emotional “charging” of the text and hypnotic suggestion. Here the performative suggestion carries an ontological function of the ritual-magic word. Performative suggestion served as a communicative revelation involving the medieval addressee in an actual communicative event. Christological constructions and ecclesiastical pathos, as well as the end of the work concluding with a rhetorical formula “Amen” once again indicate that the rhetorical structure of the text is of a religious and magical nature. Since “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” has a unique and complex communicative system, each group of poetic legends is organized in accordance with its form of expression and functions in a general structure of the author’s poetic world allowing his thoughts to penetrate the world of intention in the form of a plan.


suggestion, Russian literature, “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign”, intention, speech act, communicative system.


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