№ 2 (XXIV)

Problems of culturology and philosophy
Chuchin-Rusov A. E. Concepts of modern knowledge
Kuchmaeva I. K. Political predictions of A. S. Panarin and inheritance of culture
Zapeka O. A. On the historical destiny of Russian liberalism
Problems of culturology and history
Moskvicheva Yu. V. Ascetic and atticizing aesthetics in the Byzantine portrait miniature
Lugovskoy S. S. The ethno-demographic problem of Russian old residents of Pokhodsk settlement of Nyzhnekolymsk region
Pakhomova A. V. The language of costume in poetry and prose by Alexander S. Pushkin
Nekrasova N. V. V. I. Kolosov and historical memory of Tver province inhabitants
Problems of philology
Akimova M. S. Image of technical civilization in the Russian literature of XIX century
Old Russian heritage
Demin A. S. «The Kiev Chronicle»: officialese of a chronicler
Kardanova N. B. Correspondence of Russian sovereignswith Venetian dodges epistolary phenomenon of the late seventeenth century
Tufanova O. A.  Depiction of 1601-1603 famine years in Russian and foreign sources about the Time of Troubles
Problems of Art Theory and History
Davydova I. I. The semantic perspective and the organization of architectural space in the culture of early modern Moscow
Sveshnikov A. V. Transformation of artistic elements in composition structure
Mikhailova N. V. Iconography of the sacred image of the Holy Trinity in the church of Divnaya gora village by Uglich
General Psychological Problems
Timokhin V. V.,
Salnikova Yu. P.
Ethnofunctional factor in parental attitudes
Current Events in GASK
Kuchmaeva I. K. Moral genious. The outline of the book «From the fuss to the essence: the history of the Academy and its faces»
The program of major events in the State Academy of Slavic Culture during the celebration of Days of Slavic Written Language and Culture (2012)