№ 3 (XXV)

The twentieth anniversary of State Academy of Slavic Culture
The twentieth anniversary of State Academy of Slavic Culture
Problems of culturology and philosophy
Klimov A. G. New Challenges or untied knots of Slavic World history
Shafii F. Socio-cultural aspects of Russia's modernization after 1991
Polyanskaya E. K. Categories of «open» and «closed» religion in modern Polish Catholicism
Rudakov M. V. On the new emphasis in the study of Protestantism and culture of Protestant cultures
Problems of culturology and history
Dubinina A. A. Egorevsky ceremonialism in folklore and ethnographic heritage of the Tver Region
Kolosov A. S. The history of graffiti movement and its modern Russian features
Old Russian heritage
Zharova I. Y. Functional purpose of miracles in «Proskinitary» of Arseny Sukhanov and «Life» of protopriest Avvakum
Kapitsa F. S. «Warrior's magic head» in «The story about Eruslan Lazarevich»: the origin of the image
Problems of philology
Melnik V. I. Personality of Emperor Nikolay I and his epoch as perceived by I. A. Goncharov
Pyrkov I. V. Oblomov's Letetrs
Nikolsky E. V. Genre correlation of Bsevolod Solovyov and Jan Potocki prose
Vereshchagin I. F. The visual appeal of «Arkhangelsk Eparchial Vedomosti» periodical
Problems of Art Theory and History
Salimov A. M. Stone Fortifications of Torzhok: the Problems of Attribution and Dating
Konenkova A. K. Images of Spain in the Russian art of the second half of XIX- early XX centuries. Konstantin Korovin and Alexandr Golovin
Mankovskaya N. B.,
Novikov A. V.
A Historian of the Orthodox Aesthetics and a Philosopher of Art (on account of V. V. Bychkov's Seventieth Anniversary)
General Psychological Problems
Kalishenko V. D. Influence of teacher's evaluation on emotional welfare of preschool children
Current Events in GASK
Mikheeva L. N. The light of art
Mishacheva I. V. The diverse world of Slavic people. Exhibition of traditional Russian costumes, and utensils from the collections of the Museum of Slavic Cultures of State Academy of Slavic Culture in Novi Sad (Serbia)