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Title of the article: Frog as a symbol of personal development in the Russian and German folklore
Author(s): ZHUCHKOVA A.V.
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 4 (34)
Pages: 107-115
Index UDK: 398.21+82-242.4
Index BBK: 82.3
Abstract: Genesis of the folklore image of a frog goes back to the mythological prototype. Its dominant feature is the relationship between frog and water (structure variable and sustainable at the same time). Also the symbolic value of the frog is motivated by the evolutionary transformations. The image of a frog in folklore symbolizes the ability of the hero to the moral changes. Metaphysical story about the love and the transformation of the hero goes from folklore in hagiographical medieval literature. In the story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, we find some important points of a folk story about the frog Princess.
Keywords: folklore, Prince-frog, the transformation, the value of the frog in fairy tales
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