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Title of the article: The originality of idea and composition of Old Russian «Povest’ o kuptse» («The Tale of the Merchant»)
Author(s): SENKINA N. L.
Section: Old Russian Heritage
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 186-194
Index UDK: 821.161.1.0
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1
Abstract: The article analyzes the originality of idea and composition of Old Russian «Povest’ o kuptse». The value for categories of «mercy» and «glory», their importance in revealing the author’s intention is determined. The issue of relevance of the professional qualities of the character, such as thrift, practicality. The connection of symbolic and fairytale components in the plot of the story is studied. In the course of the story the Russian author sharpens the contradictions between the Christian view of the world and that of a man, and ways to achieve the merchant ‘glory’. The sense in this edifying story is how a merchant-Christian should conduct his business. Whether he should act according to reason or follow the dictates of the heart - this problem is solved in favor of the heart. A good Christian, but an unfortunate merchant, the character acquires wealth not by greed and calculation, and as a reward for good deeds. Grace, mercy of others, but not money - it’s what he based his actions on. His actions are psychologically motivated. His actions are driven by feelings, and not by calculation. The author portrays the hero who is making mistakes, but he is worth sympathizing with. The plot of the story involves symbolic and mythical components. There are references to biblical texts - the parable of the Good Samaritan and the Book of Isaiah. A magic assistant, wealth, courting a princess, those are the common features with the fairy tale narrative. The character of number symbolism is partly fabulous, partly religious and symbolic. While merchants are trying to buy something cheaper and sell it more expensive, the character gets multiple reward for a good deed. Alongside with the instructive content, which is revealed with the help of allusions to biblical texts and makes up the symbolic implication of the work, the story has got an entertaining plot.
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