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Title of the article: Functional significance of Russian family in modern culture conditions
Author(s): KISELEVA E. V.
Section: Philosophy and Culturology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 120-127
Index UDK: 008
Index BBK: 71.1
Abstract: Structure and functions of every family is changing in historical dynamics, inuencing methods of family interaction. Today analysts in the eld of family problematics often mean the results of life activity of families all over the world, when they speak about family functions. These results are usually found at the level of society and have valid consequences. The most ancient family function inherent in it since archaic times is the reproductive one. However, along with the population reproduction (the biological level), the family performs the function of upbringing children, preparation of them for living in a society, their socialization, and therefore this function can be called educational and socializing. Taking into account the exclusive importance of communicative function, we should also emphasize the importance of the regulative function of the family which includes regulation of relations of every family member within a social environment. Special place in the main functions of the family is taken by the leisure function. Free time spent together unites the family and improves family relationships. Summing up, we may conclude that the content change of some functions of the family that resulted from historically established process of family transformation and was brought about by the inuence of external socio-cultural factors is inevitable.
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