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Title of the article: Patriotism on Kolyma: to technology of the concept transformation
Section: Literary Criticism and Philology
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 159-158
Index UDK: 940, 821.111.1.09
Index BBK: Ш4/5.я7
Abstract: Former Kolyma prisoners in their memories texts often refer to the concept of «patriotism», formed in conditions of the Kolyma labor camps. This concept in its specic sense was lled with a very unique content and demonstrated the opposite meaning from conventional understanding of «the love to the fatherland», when a person is ready to sacrice himself rather than others. The specicity of the Kolyma patriotism was paid attention to by so-called «enemies of the people» who wrote memories about the hard labor camps: O. Adamova-Sliozberg, G. Demidov, J. Dombrowski, V. Ladeyshikov, V. Shalamov etc. Undoubtedly, the term «patriotism», which reects the long-established meanings in the language and is usually well known by most of us, was fatally deformed and lost its elementary sense in the course of the 30-50s. of the XX century. The word «patriotism» conforming to the laws of nature acquired various opposite meanings. A striking example of fatal deformation was turning of the term «Kolyma patriotism» inside out.
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