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Title of the article: Secession of Croatia from Social Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Republican aspect
Author(s): PIVOVARENKO A. A.
Section: History anf Culture of Slavic World
Year: 2014
Issue: № 3 (33)
Pages: 50-58
Index UDK: 94
Index BBK: 63.3
Abstract: The problem of disintegration of Social Federalist Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) has hitherto been studied mainly from the perspective of the federal centre - Belgrade. However the formation of modern Western Balkan states, which were the former Yugoslav republics, their history of independence, which has lasted for more than 20 years, indicates the need to look at the process from the point of view of these republics. In this article we propose some theoretical approaches to the problem of secession of the Republic of Croatia. Territorial integrity of Yugoslavia was highly dependent on Croatia as one of the most developed republics. But since 1945 Croatia was permanently dissatised with its status in SFRY and went for changing its status which is easy to notice through constitutional changes. Every new republican constitu-tion gave to Croatia more political and economic independence. Moreover, the priority of republican borders was higher than that of national borders, which was the fundamental reason for a Serbo-Croatian war in 1990s. There were also political and economic reasons, such as unsuccessful reforms of the 1960s, coming to power in Croatia of a young more nationalist-oriented leadership, the defeat of supporters of a «strong» federation, growing inuence of nationalist-oriented Croatian Diaspora abroad. On the public level the problem was indicated by growing of tensity in common relationships especially during the «Croatian spring» of 1970-1971, termination of the program of unication of the language, public declarations.
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