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Title of the article: The actualization of traditional folklore in the modern socio-cultural condition on the basis of its intrinsic characteristics
Author(s): KAMINSKAYA E. A.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2016
Issue: № 1 (39)
Pages: 53-64
Index UDK: 008.001+398
Index BBK: 71.1+82.3(2Рос)
Abstract: Traditional folklore is one of the significant phenomena of contemporary culture, experiencing some crisis moments in its existence due to cultural deviancy. The author views the actualization of traditional folklore as the process and the result of purposeful activities aimed at the redefining of its significance in modern conditions, as well as a meaningful and potentially effective phenomenon. The author presents her own definition of traditional folklore and indicates its essential characteristics, such as creativity, verbal nature of existence, benchmark, traditional character, ability to be transcoded, variability and improvisation. Each of them and they all together can be presented as key points in the adaptation of traditional folklore to changing sociocultural conditions and, subsequently, in its actualization as a living, widely represented, clearly functioning phenomenon of contemporary culture.
Keywords: traditional folklore, actualization, tradition, variation and improvisation, verbal nature, benchmark, recoding.
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