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Title of the article: The role of transit area space in the theatre and screen reality
Author(s): SALNIKOVA E. V.
Section: Art theory and history
Year: 2016
Issue: № 1 (39)
Pages: 189-204
Index UDK: 7.0+791.233
Index BBK: 85.33+71.05
Abstract: This article analyses the trends of the contemporary screen culture — the destruction of illusion of reality, the use of split screen, the simultaneous presence of many symbolic spaces before the spectator. The hypothesis is the inner connection of television and computer reality with the ancient forms of open air theatre and other performances. This connection is based on the concept of the boarders of visual form and the construction of its space. Virtual space inside the computer screen is organized as a transit area. Such a composition is analogous to the square, the important centre of social and cultural dynamics and communication for many ages. Moreover, any space can be interpreted as a transit zone and a square during the non-realistic performance. The concept of the implied invisible space adjacent to the stage, pageant or any symbolic «square» had a great importance for non-realistic ancient theatre. This concept presented in many forms of Russian theatre, such as the Nativity scene, puppet performances, Paradeisspiel (Paradise box), etc. The computer screen space is a new modification of a transit area, a virtual square with the visual signs of the implied invisible spaces, «other worlds», endless number of other transit zones. The computer screen «square» develops the universal concept of archaic consciousness and returns the image of magic sacred universe to the everyday life. Probably it is the reason of the rapid growth of computer culture popularity among peoples of different nationalities and traditions.
Keywords: cultural studies, visual culture, archaic consciousness, transit area, open air theatre, fair, Nativity scene, everyday life, screen, communication
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