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Title of the article: The main and syncretic meanings of the word-forms with the preposition «без» [bez] (without)
Author(s): SIDOROVA O. YU.
Section: Philology
Year: 2016
Issue: № 1 (39)
Pages: 144-149
Index UDK: 811.161.1
Index BBK: 81.2 Рус
Abstract: The article deals with the meanings of word-forms with the preposition «без» [bez] (without). The grammatical meaning can be defined by synonymic replacement, question formation and transformation of the sentence into a complex one. All meanings are dividing into two groups. The meanings of an object, cause, condition, concession belong to the first group. Examples of the second group illustrating the syncretic meaning - cause and object, cause and condition, cause and concession, cause and object with conditionally temporal semantic — are of the greatest interest. The negative semantics is the part of all semantics of word-forms with the preposition «без» [bez] (without).
Keywords: preposition «без» [bez] (without), the syncretic meaning, question formation, synonymic replacement, transformation of the sentence into a complex one, the main meaning
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