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Title of the article: The family as a socio-cultural value
Author(s): KISELEVA E. V.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2016
Issue: № 1 (39)
Pages: 76-83
Index UDK: 37.0
Index BBK: 74.9
Abstract: In Russia the appeal to family research has become particularly relevant since the late 90-ies of XX century in connection with the revaluation, due to new cultural and historical social realities. In these conditions family culture values are the most questioned. Studying the family as a social institution is still focused on the themes of structure and functions of the family. Thus, the family is seen as a small social group, due mainly to the issues of sex-role behavior and interpersonal relationships. The problem of the value of the family in Russian science is presented by three main approaches. According to the first of them, the family is studied as a part of Russian values hierarchy. The second approach examines values as structural components of incentive behavior of individuals, as determining social change. According to the third approach the family is considered to be a universal value. All three approaches contributed to the formation of the prerequisites for the development of axiological approach to the study of the family.
Keywords: the institution of the family, the family as a social and cultural value, gender role behavior, cultural traditions, modern culture, postperestroika Russia
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