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Title of the article: Realization of Serbian pitch accents by Russian speakers (an auditory analysis).
Author(s): PANOVA E. A.
Section: Philology
Year: 2016
Issue: № 1 (39)
Pages: 134-143
Index UDK: 81'33
Index BBK: 81.1
Abstract: The main difference between Serbian and Russian word stress is in the phonological character of oppositions in pitch (falling/rising) and duration (long/ short) that form four Serbian accents: long-falling, long-rising, short-falling and shortrising. In order to study the realization of Serbian accents by Russian speakers the following acoustic analysis was conducted: Serbian listeners estimated types of Serbian accents in bi- and tri-syllables pronounced by Russians. The results of the auditory analysis indicated that regardless of their language skills Russian speakers didn’t realize Serbian accents and at the same time they demonstrated worse results in the realization of rising/falling opposition than long/short opposition. In initial and medial position Russian speakers mostly realized rising accents and in final position mostly falling ones. It should be noted that the realization of falling accents instead of rising ones in final position is typical for Serbian speakers too. Long post-accented syllables were mostly not realized by Russian speakers.
Keywords: auditory analysis, Russian, Serbian, pitch accent, fundamental frequency (FF), duration
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