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Title of the article: Art program of painting of Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev
Author(s): STEPANOVA S. S.
Section: Art theory and history
Year: 2016
Issue: № 1 (39)
Pages: 150-161
Index UDK: 75.03
Index BBK: 85.14
Abstract: The article is devoted to one of the most important and interesting monuments of monumental painting of the last quarter of the XIX century. It addresses issues related to the actual idea of the revival of the national traditions of religious art, which was most deeply perceived by V. M. Vasnetsov. Invited by Adrian Prahov as the main performer of the works, he didn’t create a stylization «Byzantium-style», but his own original «Vasnetsov» style. The article mentions a deep personal interest of the painter, who was motivated by the desire to express his own individual religious feeling in the monumental scenic images. The complexity of the tasks facing the artists and inconsistency of his creative method led to the specifics of figurative paintings and scenic solutions, which defined a new stage in the development of monumental religious art. Development of the program of painting and decoration of the Cathedral reflected the creative and spiritual quests of the era. Not a particular art system or typologically related monuments were selected as samples, but plot motifs of different periods, compositional schemes or iconographic features of characters taken from the Byzantine and ancient Russian icon painting. The images of humility and sacrifice often brought a note of passionate impulse and suffering, giving them a bright shade of the external psychology, which were alien for a medieval Orthodox artist. Perception of religion as sacred relics, having national coloring, introduced a «museum» shade in the artistic monument decision. Cathedral appears as a meeting point of episodes of Russian sacred history, where the religious, mystical essence of the adoption of Christianity is connected with the idea of historical significance of this event for Russian statehood and culture.
Keywords: the temple, Byzantine and Russian medieval tradition, art, iconography, sacred and historical characters, the work of V. M. Vasnetsov
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