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Author(s): Shalygina О. В.
Section: Philological sciences
Year: 2016
Issue: № 4 (42)
Pages: 163-173
Index UDK: УДК 882+7.017.9+7.072.3
Index BBK: ББК 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1 + 85.12 +85.37
Abstract: The article is based on the report by Shalygina O. V., Kromin V. A. “Cinema as a comprehension of literature (“Stone” by Alexander Sokurov and structure of the art world by A. P. Chekhov)” at the XXXVII International scientific-practical conference “Chekhov readings in Yalta,” “Chekhov on the world stage and in world cinema” (25 to 29 April 2016) and the report by Shalygina O. V., Kromin V. A. “The ontology of temporal flow in the work of art (Chekhov and Sokurov)” at the International scientific and practical conference “Art and literature of the Silver age: the discovery and exploration” (XIX Voloshin’s Readings) (23 to 29 May 2016, Koktebel, Republic of Crimea). Abstract: The film of Alexander Sokurov “Stone” (1992) became classics of the world cinema. In 2012 the screen Actors Guild released a disc of early films by Alexander Sokurov, which included the film “Stone”: “Sokurov: Early Masterworks (Blu-ray).” What is the reason of typologically different audience reactions of critics of the cinema of international level and scientists who have devoted their lives to studying of creativity of A. P. Chekhov, as well as ordinary Russian viewers? The seems to be important and just assumption of V. Podoroga about Sokurov's desire to turn the vision into contemplation seems to be important and just. Problem of the vision is also associated with articulation of an issue of “point of view” in a poetics of the filmmaker. The article describes the experiment on transferring Sokurov’ cinema graphics into spherical graphics, made by artist Victor Kromin, with an analysis of obtained images. Bending a realistic image with a lens A. Sokurov is trying to convey to the viewer a two-dimensional image of a spherical world. If in icon painting they use a reverse perspective for the hoax, Sokurov creates a spherical image. Sokurov in “Stone” makes his own model of the art world by A. P. Chekhov, and this model claims to be the equivalence of a scientific model. We believe that in such a system the subtext has a spherical shape, and this discovery of Sokurov can be heuristically important for the development outside the cinema, but also instrumental in exploring the poetics of A. P. Chekhov, as well as in literary studies.
Keywords: A. Sokurov, A. P. Chekhov, art world, spherical graph, ontology of temporal flow.
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