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Title of the article: Modelling of the interpreting subject’s position in the rock culture: model of perception deautomatization
Author(s): IVANOV D. I.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2015
Issue: № 4, (38)
Pages: 13-20
Index UDK: 008.001
Index BBK: 71.4
Abstract: Rock text is a polysubtextual (synthetic) structure. In the rock culture there develops a synthetic lingual personality (SLP) where the associative and interpretative level is of a special importance for it implements the original cognitive and pragmatic programme (SLP CPP) of a rock group. The interpratative activity of a subject that aims at assimilation and processing of the CPP is carried out according to the sense variation principle. Two main models can be distinguished. The first one is «Source Subject (rock poet) — Interpreting Subject (rock poet)». Within this model, the interpreting subject has a strong personological position which implies the maximum «opening» of the wide choice of interpretations; the process of reception and interpretation is carried out according to the model of its deautomatization. The second one is «Source Subject (rock poet) — Interpreting Subject (ordinary person)». In this case, the interpretating subject may have either a strong or a weak personological position. In the latter position, the process of text perception is carried automatically, on the basis of habitual interpretation models. In the first model, the interpretation activity of the percepting mind aims, first of all, at finding the sense (cognitive conversion) of the verbal component which represents the CPP centre. The ways of assimilation of CPP are as follows: 1) a complete denial of the CPP (confrontation of the CPP of the source subject and the one of the interpreting subject); 2) dialogical relations between the source subject and the interpreting subject based on comparison and partial confrontation of congnitive and pragmatic programmes; 3) assimilation and adoption of the source subject’s CPP and its actualisation by the interpreting subject in the context of a certain rock composition (rock album); 4) assimilation and modernisation of the source subject’s CPP in the context of the interpreting subject’s CPP; 5) deep assimilation (complete adoption) of the source subject’s CPP and further modelling of the interpreting subject’s CPP on the basis of its principles.
Keywords: synthetic lingual personality, cognitive and pragmatic programme, source subject, interpreting subject, perception model, personological model
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