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Title of the article: The image of M. Voloshin as a cast in time and space of the Silver Age
Author(s): ZAYATS S. M.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2015
Issue: № 4, (38)
Pages: 38-48
Index UDK: 130.2
Index BBK: 71.0
Abstract: The article studies the image of Maximilian Voloshin, who undoubtedly represents the part of the Silver Age culture. This writer managed to embody in his creative works the peculiarities of literature and culture of the turn of the centuries, which was crucial for the history of Russian civilization. Being a stranger and a passer-by for many of his contemporaries, Voloshin surprisingly managed to imprint his creative image in Russian literature of the Silver Age, he became its integral part, offering his readers to have a new look at the mysterious epoch of turn of the century, when old aesthetic values perished and the new ones were born, these latter would be the object of interpretation of the living idea of the 20th century.
Keywords: image, the Silver Age, stranger, passer-by, Maximilian Voloshin, symbolism, epoch of the Turn of the century
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