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Title of the article: Traditions of Old Russian literature in V. S. Grossman’s novel «Life and Fate»
Author(s): BIRYUCHIN S. V.
Section: Philology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 4, (38)
Pages: 113-127
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)
Abstract: V. S. Grossman’s magnum-opus «Life and Fate» reveals that the writer proved to be receptive to the traditions of old Russian literature. The purpose of this article is to analyze Grossman’s reconsideration of traditions of old Russian literature in the novel «Life and Fate». As the result of the research the author comes to the conclusion that Grossman reconsidered and transformed formal and semantic attributes of certain old Russia genres (hagiography, literary lamentation, folk funeral lament) and literary types (righteous woman, Fools in “Christ”). The author’s reaching out to the old Russia literature allows him to enrich an ideological and art originality of his novel. Grossman shows indissoluble historical links between different generations and indivisibility of human destinies (Soviet pilot’s Viktorov and princess Dolgorukaya`s biography); the writer introduces unusual and very important characters to his novel (Ikonnikov as Fool in «Christ» and philosopher); he demonstrates the originality and power of female folk characters (Khristia Chuniak and Lyudmila Shtrum).
Keywords: old Russian literature, literary tradition, V. S. Grossman, «Life and Fate», hagiography, righteous woman, foolishness for Christ, funeral lament
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