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Title of the article: Gogol in Rzhev in 1849: about an unknown writer’s travel
Author(s): VINOGRADOV I. A.
Section: Philology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 4, (38)
Pages: 98-106
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1-8 Гоголь Н. В.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the important little-studied issue about Gogol’s possible stay in Rzhev at the famous church pastor’s and preacher’s Archpriest Matthew Konstantinovsky place. We newly collected and analyzed all the direct and indirect evidence of this. It is concluded that the image of life and pastoral activity of an Orthodox priest in the unpreserved chapters of the second volume of «Dead Souls» by Gogol was created on the basis of specific life material, which the author collected during his trip to Rzhev to the father Matthew in late February – early March 1849.
Keywords: Gogol, biography, creativity
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