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Title of the article: N. A. Berdyaev in the context of European philosophy.
Author(s): GUREVICH P. S.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2015
Issue: № 3, (37)
Pages: 13-31
Index UDK: 130.122+930.85
Index BBK: 87.5+63.3(2)6-7
Abstract: This article presents the first attempt to give a detailed characteristic of the influence that N. A. Berdyaev had on the European philosophy. The author disputes with the statements of some analysts, who hold that the ideas of the Russian thinker are contradictory, in some main aspects are not original and in general do not constitute a complete doctrine. As is shown in the article, Berdyaev’s heritage is characterized by liturgical harmony, and some «contradictions» in his theories mainly reflect his striving to create a certain symmetry out of some concrete ideas of his philosophical thoughts. N. A. Berdyaev verified the strength of his conceptions, referring to various philosophical themes. Some unexpected and original ideas of the thinker that enriched philosophical-anthropological knowledge in general are analyzed in this article in more detail. In his works, Berdyaev has proved himself as an original Russian philosopher, he paid much attention to the history of Slavonic people in general. At the same time N. A. Berdyaev actively participated in discussions with European philosophers, supporting the ideas of existentialism, dialogism, giving them his personal assessment from the positions of Russian conservatism and liberalism. The author comes to the conclusion that the dialectical method of thinking of the Russian philosopher makes him a real representative of the European culture, not a follower but a thinker of great scope.
Keywords: philosophical anthropology, existentialism, personalism, personality, being, spirituality, nonbeing, transcendence, society, man
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