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Title of the article: Culturological analysis of space in the semantic field of people of different nationalities
Author(s): PANKOVA S. YU.
Section: Theory and history of culture
Year: 2015
Issue: № 3, (37)
Pages: 81-90
Index UDK: 304.2
Index BBK: 71.4
Abstract: Any civilization (if it is considered according to the cultural-historical approach) is characterized by spatial and temporal characteristics, reflecting a deep relationship of culture with the corresponding «”mestorazvitiya”, i.e. place development» or landscape. Civilization sets the limits of variability of time rhythms. Time is given to us to observe the processes of change in our surroundings and requires analysis. Spatial concepts begin to evolve and shape in early childhood and are present in the minds at the level of image representations. At the highest level of cognition space begins to be included by a man in the system of concepts about the world. The purpose of research is to identify the extent to which cultural and geographical factors affect the semantic sphere of people of different nationalities. We suggested that the formation of the concepts of space is influenced by both geographical factors (the enclosed space of Sakhalin Island and on the contrary, open space of Kazakh steppes), features of the territory, which historically is home to the ethnic group, and especially ethnic culture and philosophy.
Keywords: culture, space, spatial concepts, open space, enclosed space, associations, image of the world, ethnic group
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