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Title of the article: Formation of theatre in the «Capital city of Moscow» during Catherine II reign: transition time from failures to forward development
Author(s): BELOV A. V.
Section: Art theory and history
Year: 2015
Issue: № 3, (37)
Pages: 183-193
Index UDK: 94(47).066+792.03
Index BBK: 63.3(2)46+85.33(2)
Abstract: The second half of the XVIII century became the most important milestone on the way of creation of national theater in Russia and in particular in Moscow. The process of organization of its own constantly operating theater in Moscow passed the period of failures and attempts to realization. Though P. V. Urusov and M. E. Medoks's city theatrical enterprises functioning in the second half of the XVIII century disappeared later, these institutions created by them became the basis for growth of the Bolshoy and the Maly theatres operating up to now. The process of theatrical construction in Moscow is considered in the context of this historical time, with all its processes, contradictions and the ways of forms of overcoming them. The special attention is paid to one of the features — theater as an attribute of a capital city of Moscow.
Keywords: Moscow, capital, theater, Russian theater, Medoks's theater, Bolshoy theater
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