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Title of the article: Slavic images and symbols of femininity in the Russian artistic culture of the end of XIX – early twentieth century
Author(s): BUGAEV V. I.
Section: Art theory and history
Year: 2015
Issue: № 3, (37)
Pages: 215-221
Index UDK: 75.011.2
Index BBK: 85.143(2)
Abstract: The article examines the Slavic images and symbols of femininity in the works of outstanding representatives of Russian artistic culture of the late XIX – early XX centuries. — Viktor Vasnetsov and Mikhail Vrubel. Slavic images existed and coexisted with parallel symbols — Christian and Western European ones. A distinctive feature of the Slavic tradition of symbolic femininity in the visual arts is the desire of Russian artists to justify a miracle. This feeling of miraculous is rooted in the soul of folk art. In spite of the current dominance of fraud quasi-culture images and symbols of femininity open the way to the knowledge of the truth of natural beauty. The Christian tradition of images and symbols warns of deceptive ways of the quasi-beauty. Sacred significance is inherent in the symbol, it decorates the divine truth. «Oplotnenie» (incarnation) (the term by P. A. Florensky) — that is Western European «picturesqueness» of images and symbols of femininity — has influenced the development of national trends, «Russian style» of the late XIX – early XX centuries.
Keywords: images, symbols of femininity, «Alenka» and «The Swan Princess», «carnal art», miraculous, Russian and Slavic mythology, Russian modern, tale, folklore, «Eternal Feminine»
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