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Title of the article: The world of nature in «Pelgrimatsiya» by Hippolytus Vyshensky
Author(s): TRAVNIKOV S. N.
Section: Philology
Year: 2015
Issue: № 3, (37)
Pages: 113-128
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 83.3(2Рос=Рус)1
Abstract: The paper studies the problem of a traditional and a new image of the world of nature in the travel notes of the beginning of the XVIII century on the example of «Journey to the Holy Land» by Chernigov priest Hippolytus Vyshensky. The paper shows how the notes of the traveler, who draw the picture of the natural world of the Christian East, merge the tradition of the Old Testament and the New Testament literature, patristic and medieval pilgrimage, apocryphal tales and folk legends. In «Pelgrimatsiya» Hippolytus Vyshensky intertwines a new baroque style with old Russian religious symbolism. The description of unusual and unknown things includes strong baroque innovation tendencies, the story of usual natural objects, well-known in pilgrimage literature, follows an old Russian tradition. The baroque style that prevails in «Pelgrimatsiya» is used in descriptions of mountains, deserts, seas — all of which threatened a man with danger and served as an obstacle to the Holy Land. Baroque style also dominates the Hippolytus Vyshensky’s stories about exotic plants and animals, abnormal natural phenomena and amazing man-made objects of nature. Following the aesthetic principles of the Baroque, the writer turns «Pelgrimatsiya» in a kind of «literary curiosity shop»: He is attentive to the light, color, smell and sound. He creates a vivid verbal «portraits» of unusual plants and animals, he also reports the surprise and delight in contemplation of human greatness and beauty of the natural world in the Middle East.
Keywords: travel literature in Peter the Great time, pilgrimage, the Christian East, the poetics of baroque, landscape descriptions
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