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Title of the article: Transformation of female characters in Polonsky's lyrical works
Section: Philology and Literary Criticism
Year: 2015
Issue: № 1, (35)
Pages: 101-109
Index UDK: 821.161.1
Index BBK: 84 (2Рос=Рус)5
Abstract: Yakov Polonsky (1819-1898) was a leading poet of post-Pushkin epoch, who followed the traditions of Russian romantic poetry in the heyday of realistic prose. Being in the service of the of Prince Mikhail Vorontsov, he served in Odessa, then in TThe fascinating beauty of the Black Sea coast nature strengthened his passion for romanticism. Polonsky turned his attention to the Caucasian topics and descriptions of lush nature, treating them in a manner reminiscent of Mikhail Lermontov (although he also wrote parodies of his poems). Polonsky gradually moved away from the image of exotic Caucasian realities and tried to get away from admiring features of exotic native women (Magdana in «TSaclays» to understand the psychology of the character - the Lady of the Mountains. The true innovation of Y. Polonsky was depicting female characters in the tragedy «Daredjan, Queen of Imereti», lyrical works of Caucasian cycle, such as «Tamara and her singer Shota Rustaveli» and «N. A. Griboyedovа». In general, we can see qualitative changes in the images of women in the Caucasus works of Y. Polonsky, the exotic image of exotic savage woman is replaced by the Wife. This transformation of the female images of the fact that Y. Polonsky deeply penetrated into Georgian culture, understood the unity of Orthodoxy, its Georgian version with its cult of Saint wives - St. Nina, Equal to the Apostles, and Saint Blessed Queen Tamara.
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