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Title of the article: The Temple of Our Lady Nativity in Gorodnya and the Problem of Its Dating
Author(s): Salimov A. M.
Section: Issues of Theory of Art
Year: 2013
Issue: № 1 (XXVII)
Pages: 71-89
Index UDK:
Index BBK:
Abstract: The Temple of Our Lady Nativity in Gorodnya is the only one among numerous churches of the epoch of Tver independence which comes to nowadays. The presented paper suggests to consider this church in the context of Tver architecture which first stage was influenced by the architecture of North-West Rus’. The author thinks that a longtime historiography tradition to consider the ground floor of this building referring to an earlier temple destructed in 1413 is not rather obvious. The article also proves the dating of the upper part of the church to 1440-es.
Keywords: Tver Principality, Gorodnya, Vertyazin, church of Our Lady Nativity, Ivan Mikhailovitch Tverskoy, Boris Akeksandrovitch
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