Title of the article:



Tatyana N. Solovyeva

Information about the author/authors

Tatyana N. Solovyeva — Senior Instructor, Maltsev Kurgan State Agricultural Academy, 641300 Lesnikovo, Ketovo region, Kurgan oblast, Russia. E-mail: solovyeva-05.04@mail.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 50


pp. 103–118


March 04, 2018

Date of publication

December 28, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



Basing on a comparative analysis of the genre and compositional scheme of seven translated Byzantine Hierarchs’ lives (specifically the beginning of their main parts) and the canon of Byzantine Reverend’s Life (namely the motifs reflecting “earthly basics” like parents, homeland   representing the prologue to the saint’s future ascetic life) the author detects a number of constant motifs established in hierarch`s life under the influence of the reverend`s one. The research reveals a significant role of the Reverend’s life traditions in formation of the Hierarch’s life. The paper results in identifying traditional motifs of hierarchs’ lives under study such as praising the saint’s homeland, baptism and pious childhood / adolescence / youth. Moreover, the motif of celebration of the saint’s parents proves to be more important for the hagiographers than that of his miraculous birth. In some instances the Byzantine writers displayed a certain will for creative independence, which happens to be distinctive for the medieval booklore as a whole. As for research subject the paper detected no evidence of fundamental incongruities between translated Old Russian texts, featured in Great Menaion Reader, and their Greek originals.


canon, motif, genre types, hierarch’s Life, reverend’s Life.


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