Title of the article:

Retraction! Retraction date – October 22, 2020. The grounds for retraction the article are violations of scientific and publishing ethics, this article is duplicate publication, the author present same research in several publications: http://apsnyteka.org/file/Alanskoe_pravoslavie_2017.pdf


Roman V. Shizhenskiy

Information about the author/authors

Roman V. Shizhenskiy — PhD in History, Associate Professor, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Ulyanova St., 1, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. E-mail: heit@inbox.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 50


pp. 79–92


December 15, 2017

Date of publication

December 28, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



One of the directions in the “palette” of new religious movements — Russian paganism — should be recognized as a religious phenomenon of modern Russia. Distinctive features of domestic ethno-oriented “rodnoveriye” (native faith), “mladoyazychestvo” (neopaganism), etc. are worldview imaginary oxymoron, eclecticism of rituals and symbols. At the same time, since its emergence (the second half of the 70s of the 20th century) the Russian version of the movement retains a set of constants, including the organizational plan. The article examines the directions and organizations of the Russian pagans at the present stage, features of a social portrait of the average representative of the movement as well as motivation, which prompted the neophyte to “immerse in the   tradition”. Special attention is paid to the issue of leadership, which is undoubtedly up to be one of the most important not only in the areas of historical discourse — the role of the individual in history, but also within the paradigm of modern religious studies. It is the charismatic leaders (in the interpretation of A. Barker) that form structured organizations of the new religious movements and affect the so-called cult environment.


contemporary Russian paganism, nationalism, community, common, parallel, ideologue.


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