Title of the article:



Nikolay I. Gubanov

Nikolay N. Gubanov

Information about the author/authors

Nikolay I. Gubanov — DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Tyumen State Medical University, Odessa St., 54, 625023 Tyumen, Russia. E-mail: gubanov48@mail.ru 

Nikolay N. Gubanov — DSc in Philosophy, Associate Professor, N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 2nd Bauman St., 5/1, 105005 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: gubanovnn@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 50


pp. 22–34


May 14, 2018

Date of publication

December 28, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



In spite of the fact that the education system role steadily increases in functioning and development of society, the issue of driving forces of these processes calls for a proper study. The historical analysis of education development detected one of the main growth`s drivers. To define it a new social and philosophical concept — challenge of Apollo — was applied. The purpose of the paper is to examine such a concept. It was named by analogy to A. D. Toynbee `s “Poseidon's challenge”. The need of society to resolve periodically sharpening contradiction between the increasing of rational knowledge and welfare/living conditions of people constitutes the essence of “Apollo’s challenge”. The paper designates the complex of social conditions which determine the form of knowledge as “social security of knowledge”. The authors highlighted its structure and described the forms in which it determined the process of knowledge development. As the paper reveals in case when society provides social security of new rational knowledge adequate to requirements of the knowledge`s development, then the latter may develop further progressively. The incremental rational knowledge, finding the embodiment of the contents in human practice and being implemented in various spheres of society, conditions its progressive development. Thus “Apollo's challenge” acts as one of the main factors determining socio-cultural dynamics. The authors use that concept to analyze education`s dynamics, e.g., in a study of the process of establishing university tradition during 11th–15th centuries.


Apollo's challenge; administrative and educational elite mentality, university tradition, educational innovations, society`s educational capacity; social security of knowledge. 


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