Title of the article:



Viсtor V. Bychkov

Nadezhda B. Mankovskaya

Information about the author/authors

Viсtor V. Bychkov — DSс in Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya St., 12–1, 119019 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: iph@iph.ras.ru

Nadezhda B. Mankovskaya — DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaya St., 12-1, 119019 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: iph@iph.ras.ru


History of Arts




Vol. 50


pp. 246–265


January 20, 2018

Date of publication

December 28, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



The article deals with the ideas of Russian and French symbolists relevant for modern art and with their comparative analysis. Both generality and specificity of their concepts of beauty, symbol, artistic image, allegory, matchings, suggestion, art intuition, synesthesis, synthesis of arts are at the centre of authors attention. The paper explores philosophical and aesthetic sources of symbolism in Russia and France, its correlation with decadence and impressionism and highlights basic conceptual lines — neoplatonic-christian and solipsist in French symbolism, idealistic and realistic symbolism, theurgy — in Russian. The authors lay emphasis on metaphysical essence of art as basic for the aesthetics of symbolism at large. They conclude with the thesis statement that today, under conditions of destruction of classical culture, spiritual and creative search of symbolists may serve as one of the reference points in returning to its fundamentals.


aesthetics, art, symbolism, symbol, artistic image, allegory, beauty, matchings, suggestion, synesthesis.


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