Title of the article:



Oxana A. Zapeka

Valentin S. Shovikov

Information about the author/authors

Oksana A. Zapeka — PhD in Philosophy, Professor, A. N. Kosygin Russian State University, Khibinsky pr., 6, 129337 Moscow, Russian. E-mail: zana5@yandex.ru

Valentin S. Novikov — graduate of The State Academy of Slavic Сulture, Khibinsky pr., 6, 129337 Moscow, Russian. E-mail: valentin.shovikov@gmail.com


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 49


Рp. 122–134


March 14, 2018

Date of publication

September 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



Antiquity discourse represents dynamic structure under constant shaping and what is more, being individual for each person. However we are able to highlight basic tendencies in what how antic heritage gets its interpreting within modern mass culture. Since 90-s of the past century everyday culture comes to the forefront of the popular science agenda. We are witnessing the shift of interest from global meaning-making discourses of Antiquity towards their fragmental (discrete) manifestations. Drawing on the classical heritage, writers and directors, unconsciously as it may be, chose those fields that fit the modern conscience discourse the most. The paper brings to notice that postmodern mistrust towards “metanarratives” affects the selection of actual antique images and topics for mass culture. This postmodern feature impacts on the subject matter of interpreting the classical heritage as well. Clearly visible tendency linked to the nature of interpretation of Antiquity in postmodern mass culture — is a psychologization and physiologization of the narration. In the pursuit of more realistic portrayal of the way of life of Ancient Greece and Roman Empire architects of modern mass culture deconstruct original artifacts of Antiquity while reconstructing the discourse of Antiquity of the postmodern era, reflecting within it most typical features of the modern conscience. Characters and mythological creatures acquire complexes, while social medium or psychological motivation determine their words and deeds.


postmodernism, classical heritage, discourse, meta-text, mass culture, everyday culture, interpretation, artifact, psychologization, physiologization, crisis.


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