Title of the article:



Zoya S. Zakruzhnaya

Information about the author/authors

Zoya S. Zakruzhnaya — Senior Researcher, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya St., 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: z.zakruzhnaya@mail.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 49


Рp. 171–184


May 15, 2018.

Date of publication

September 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



The literary union of the Red Army and Navy (LOCAF), one of the latest literary associations of 1920–1930s, included not only an artistic but also a critical section, consisting of prominent critics of the time. Criticism of LOCAF was much more interesting and productive than the literary work of the union. This article highlights methodological principles and indications for the representation of the hero of the Civil War in the LOCAF’s literature. It focuses both on the evolution of these principles and the social literary context that influenced the former, paying special attention to the “restructuring” of RAPP and the publishing project of M. Gorky “The History of the Civil War”. Also, the theoretical development of the image of the hero of the Civil War is compared with the development of the hero of modern times — hero of the “pyatiletka”, the “shock-worker” — both in the LOCAF`s criticism and in the criticism of RAPP, FOSP, as well as speeches of the leaders of the Komsomol. Apart from a detailed analysis of one of the key LOCAF reports on portrayal of the hero of the Civil War, L. Subotsky, the author demonstrates how theoretical positions of the LOCAF critics were reflected in the critical articles on the pages of the union’s magazines and in the articles of a later period when, with the establishment of the Union of Soviet Writers, the LOCAF was dissolved.


LOCAF, criticism, civil war, literary hero, Subotsky, Fadeev, Serafimovich.


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