Title of the article:



Svetlana A. Sitnikova

Information about the author/authors

Svetlana A. Sitnikova — PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, The Tver branch of A. N. Kosygin Russian State University, Institute of Slavic Culture, Smolensky per., 1/2, 170100 Tver, Russia. E-mail: mvgask@mail.ru


Theory and history of culture




Vol. 49


Рp. 94–106


February 02, 2018

Date of publication

September 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK



The submitted article is devoted to studying of relicts of the snake`s cult in Tver traditional culture and is based on material of a long-term folk-ethnographic forwarding researches of Tver region, which were conducted by the author along with the students and teachers of the department of amateur and folk arts of State Academy of Slavic Culture (Tver branch). Modern forwarding researches and last publications on the Tver traditional national culture resulted in recording of the unique material, identifying echoes of mythopoetic representations and ritual practices connected with the image of snake in a range of different zones of folk culture. The paper reveals folk and ethnographic evidences of the previously sacral connection with an image of the snake that partially remained in Tver traditional national culture, interpreted in terms of the latest scientific data. Narrative logic is determined by a selection of the Tver models of traditional arts and crafts, containing the snake motives in their design, and by traditional national calendar within which calendar fragments manifest the repercussions  of the snake`s cult in Tver early-spring, pancake week and winter ceremonies. The author obtained data via Tver old residents, which according to requirements of modern folklore studies is stated with the greatest possible degree of preservation of dialect features of the informants` speech and exact designation of the place and time of recording.


Tver calendar ceremony, snake`s cult, ritual cake, house decor, “linen” folklore, motives of the “snake” ornament: “spiral”, “S-shaped sign”, “knot”, “screw”.


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