Title of the article:



Mikhail S. Iastrebov-Pestritsky

Information about the author/authors

Mikhail S. Iastrebov-Pestritsky — PhD in Philology, Leading Specialist, State Archive of the Russian Federation, Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St., 17, 119435 Moscow, Russia. E-mail: myp-63@mail.ru


Philological sciences




Vol. 49


Рp. 253–263


October 23, 2017

Date of publication

September 15, 2018

Index UDK


Index BBK

81.411.2-8 + 76.02(2)


This compact study opens with the topic of spelling words with double consonants. The author then proceeds to considering various types of errors. As the study shows, the error may be caused not only by ortology (= ignorance), but also by basic inattention, owing to constant editorial rush — a phenomenon typical for all periodicals, not only of the modern times but also characteristic of the turn of the XX century. It is however obviously that pre-revolution press was much less prone to typos. Nevertheless, the statement does not apply to the cases of disputed spellings, whose variation, according to Y. K. Grot for instance, was due to the fact that the spelling rules of the Russian language were too recent, just coming into being while foreign borrowings, invading the Russian language — had not yet achieved well-established status, so that the spelling of loan words was initially very unsettled with various sources having different versions of the spellings. This is exactly one of the categories of these variable spellings, namely, the writing of double consonants in the loanwords, that the paper has explored. 


periodical, double consonant, spelling mistake, the mix of case forms, loss of graphemes.


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